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Our Mission

At Bais Chomesh, our mission and commitment to you is to encourage and support your growth in the development of your mind, your middos and your actions; as a Bais Chomesh student your commitment to yourself and to us is to pursue growth, and to become a Dugma Chaya in the following areas:


1.     Behaving as a Bas Chabad – in a refined and respectful manner, according to Torah values and derech HaChassidus.

2.     Developing your Yiras Shomayim: your meticulous adherence to mitzvos, with special attention to Davening and tznius.

3.     Appreciating the preciousness of every Jew, and treating others with thoughtfulness, kindness and respect.

4.     Knowing that your essence is connected to the Rebbe, and continuously nurturing your Hishkashrus.

5.     Recognizing that the committed learning of Torah and Chassidus is integral to your growth as a future Jewish woman, wife, and mother, and dedicating yourself to your studies now, all the while knowing that learning continues for a lifetime.

6.     Desiring to serve Hashem with your whole self and working at actualizing your potential.

7.     Realizing that a Chossid is a mesudar and has Kabbolas Ol, and therefore adhering to school schedules, procedures, rules and policies. 

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