Rebbe Trip! The girls are brimming with excitement. The senior class has prepared an adorable play to introduce Rebbe Trip, complete with their catchy theme song created by our Ruchniyus heads Leeba Hecht and Chaya Esther Matusof.
Click here to hear what they've created (Kol Isha)
Pictures from Senior's play:
In the upcoming two weeks, the girls will be on an exciting journey to meet the trip requirements! They will be enthusiastically diving into the "Let's Connect" learning program and conquering the daily missions.
Sample of the Daily "Let's Connect" Learning Video:
The commitment and dedication your daughters' are showing in choosing to participate is incredible!
Our Gashmiyus heads Sima Pape and Shaina Cohen are putting together a beautiful welcome package along with a number of surprises as we go!
LET'S CONNECT! We're counting down!